Govt. Polytechnic College, Jammu

Official Notices & Circulars

Admission in Three Years Diploma Programme in 3rd semester under Lateral entry for the academic session 2024-25 at Government Polytechnic (Bikram Chowk) Jammu against the few leftover/vacant seats in various courses

Second Institutional Level Selection/Upgradation List of Candidates for Admission to Three Year Diploma (Engineering / Non-Engineering) Courses against Few Leftover Seats for The academic session 2024-25 at Government Polytechnic Jammu

1st Institution Level Selection List of candidates for admission to three year Diploma courses against leftover/ vacant seats for the academic session 2024-25


Admission in Three Year Diploma Programme (Engineering/Non-Engineering) Courses in 1st Semester for the session 2024-25 against few leftover seats at Government Polytechnic Jammu

Admission Form

Department of Computer Engineering and IT Government Polytechnic College, Jammu in collaboration with CIIIT JAMMU organizing a webinar on Basics of Design and Simulation of Electric Vehicles on 19th June, 2021.

Resource Person Mr. Parshant Hanigund TATA TECHNOLOGIES

Schedule: 03:00 PM to 04:30 PM 19th June 2021

Platform: Zoom

Participants: Computer, IT, ELCETRICAL ,MECHANICAL and Automobile Engineering.

Join Zoom Meeting

Meeting ID: 970 0320 1502
Passcode: 639753

Upgradation/ Allotment of candidates for admission to Three Year Diploma Courses for the academic Session 2020-21 (Round-3)

Admission to Three Year Polytechnic Diploma (Engineering) courses in 1st semester and under Lateral Entry Scheme (Full Time) in 3rd semester for the session 2020-21 against Left over seats (Round-3)

Click here to download the Admission Appication Form

Notice - Class work of Basohli Painting

Extension Notice for Job Oriented Courses under IRG Scheme

Click here to view/ download the form

Engagement of Guest Faculty for the academic session 2020-21 in Government Polytechnic Jammu

Upgradation/ Allotment of candidates for Admission to Three Year Polytechnic Diploma (Engineering) courses in 1st semester and under Lateral Entry Scheme (Full Time)in 3rd semester for the session 2020-21 against Left over seats

Admission Notice (PWD)

Notification for Start of Class-work of 1st and 3rd Semester (Lateral Entry)

Provisional selection list for Admission to Three Year Polytechnic Diploma (Engineering) Courses against Leftover seats for the session 2020-21

Provisional selection list for Admission to Three Year Polytechnic Diploma (Engineering) Courses against Leftover seats under Lateral Entry Scheme (Full Time) for the session 2020-21

Admission in One Year Diploma Course in “Basohli Painting” trade under Heritage Craft Course for academic Session 2020-21 at Government Polytechnic (Bikram Chowk) Jammu

Admission in Vocational Courses (Job Oriented Skill Courses) under continuing education programme (IRG scheme) at
Govt Polytechnic Jammu

Admission in Three Year Diploma Courses for academic Session 2020-21 at
Government Polytechnic (Bikram Chowk) Jammu

Admission in Three Year Diploma Courses under Lateral Entry scheme for academic Session 2020-21 at Government Polytechnic Jammuu

Extension Notice (PWD Scheme)

Admission Notice (PWD scheme)

Extension Notice for Basohli Painting

Admission Notice for Basohli Painting

Extension of date for submission of Online Application for various Courses

Online Google Classrooms for Polytechnic Students of all branches 2nd/ 4th and 6th semester

Academic Calender for session Feb-Jun 2020

Admission Notice
Applications are invited from candidates for seeking admission in Government Polytechnic Bikram Chowk, Jammu for the Academic Session 2019-20 against the vacant seats for one year heritage craft course in 'Basohli Painting'

Advertisement Notice
Applications are invited from the eligible candidates for engagement as Guest Faculty in Heritage Craft Course (Basohli Painting) at Government Polytechnic Jammu for the academic session 2019-20

Selection list for admission in Basohli Painting (SCVT, Heritage Craft)

Admission Notice (IRG)

Training cum Placement Programme

Academic Calender for Session Aug. Nov. 2019

Notice Regarding Institute Timings

Admission Notice under PWD scheme

Notice - Plantation Drive at Govt. Polytechnic Jammu

Students of 3rd and 5th to Submit the Admission Fee

Collect Refundable Library Security/ Caution Money

1st, 3rd and 5th Semester duration of the Periods in the Time Table

Applications are invited from the interested candidates to undergo Free Skill Development Vocational Training

Admission Notice for Heritage Craft course in Basohli Painting

Click here to view/ download the complete Notification

Admission Notice (CDTP)

Click here to view/ download the Form for Admission

Admission Notice (CDTP)

Advertisement Notice for Admission in Vocational Courses under Continuing Education Program (IRG Scheme)


Applications are invited from the residents of J&K State for engagement as Guest Faculty in Heritage Craft Course (Basohli Painting) at Government Polytechnic Jammu.


Admission Notice for Physical challenged candidates
GPJ/PWD/F-07/1732-35 Dated:- 16/08/2018


Refund of Library Security / Caution money


Admission Notice
Free Job Oriented/ Entrepreneurship computer Course


Admission Notice
Field Technician (Air Conditioner) & Field Technician (Computing Peripherals)


Admission Notice for Physically Challenged Candidates


Extension Notice for Admission in Basohli Painting Trade


Provisional Admission to three year
Diploma Polytechnic (Engineering) course, PWD 2018


Campus Placement Drive Notice


CDTP Admission Notice (Free Skill Development Vocational Training)


Govt. Polytechnic Jammu, Bikram Chowk, Jammu (J&K)
Telephone: +91-191-2435373 Fax: +91-191-2457891
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