The Department of Humanity plays vital role in the functioning of the Institute. The Department of humanity provides basic courses for all other streams like Electrical, Automobile, Civil etc. This Department takes care of courses like English, Physics, Mathematics, etc. The courses of all other Departments have the above mentioned courses in one or another semester. The Department has dedicated faculty for each subject. Staff Profile
Department of English - As language is the most common medium for expressing oneself in all spheres of life, so the pupil must have the knowledge of the English Language and skills to communicate effectively in their professional life. So in the Language labs or in class rooms we create an anxiety free atmosphere for learning and emphasising what learners know rather than what they don't know is made essential. Fluency is encouraged even at the cast of accuracy. Department of Physics - As applied Physics has a vast range of diverse topics related to world around us, it has its concrete use in physical principles and analysis in various fields of Engineering & Technology. Department of Chemistry - As Chemistry has its own prominent place in the Engineering field. Now various products of chemical Industries are playing important role in the field of Engineering, so it is considered one of the core subject for Engineering students for developing in them scientific temper. Department of Mathematics - Mathematics is the back bone of Engineers. It develops analytic ability in Engineering students and provide continuing education base.